Imagine the state of medical technology 600 years ago. The kind of medical care that is provided today did not exist back then. Since 600 years ago, the medical field has made massive progress. Clinical studies contribute to some of the progress. These trials are a type of medical study that involves people. Clinical research might be of two types: observational research and clinical trials.
Observational research aims to watch people in a certain environment. Researchers will compile data and assemble volunteers as necessary to do this. They will then evaluate changes over a specific time frame. Clinical trials, on the other hand, are a different thing.
Understanding Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are research projects carried out on individuals with the goal of better understanding a medical, behavioral, or surgical intervention. This is one of the best ways for researchers to determine whether a new medication will effectively benefit patients in the real world. This may involve the development of a new medication or medical device, such as a pacemaker. Clinical trials test the advantages and disadvantages that participants experience throughout the clinical study. Moreover, researchers may conduct clinical trials for the following purposes:
- Detecting disease in its early stages
- Avoiding health issues
- Enhancing the quality of life for those who have a fatal illness
- Improving the quality of life for those suffering from a chronic disease
- Understanding caregivers or other support networks
Of course, not anyone can simply conduct a clinical trial on people. Researchers will first conduct lab experiments and animal trials. Moreover, they will need to obtain approval to ensure the clinical trial is secure and suitable for testing on humans. Before a clinical trial may be done on humans, it must receive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Clinical trials can start as soon as such approval is granted.
The Four Phases of a Clinical Trial
A clinical trial has four phases, which are:
- First: The phase I trial is an experimental treatment that is tested on a limited group of patients. This group typically consists of 20 to 80 people. Scientists can learn more about something’s safety during this phase.
- Second: The phase II trial essentially carries over from the phase I trial. However, more people now receive the treatment (usually between 100 to 300). Phase II focuses more on effectiveness while Phase I focuses on how safe something is. This phase could require years to properly understand the potential effects.
- Third: The phase III trial aims to gather as much information as possible regarding a substance’s effectiveness and safety. It will examine various dosages, control groups, and other factors. The number of participants in a phase III trial ranges from a few hundred to about 3,000 people on average. The FDA will approve the product that was being tested if the results of these three phases look promising. That could be medicine, a piece of equipment for medical use, and more.
- Fourth: The phase IV trial only starts after receiving FDA approval. This will make it possible to monitor the subject of the test in larger populations. It can assist researchers in properly understanding how safe and effective something is on a broad scale.
Why Would Someone Want to Participate in a Clinical Trial?
There are lots of reasons why someone would decide to participate in a clinical trial. Here are a few of them:
- They were looking for help with their health issues after traditional methods failed.
- People who are searching for any type of treatment for a health issue for which there is currently no specific treatment method.
- Those that are interested in learning about new, cutting-edge treatments before they are released
- People who want to contribute to the advancement of medical technology
Regardless of why others do it, you must consider your personal circumstances to determine the best reason for doing it. A clinical trial for migraine prevention, for instance, might be able to provide you with treatment if you suffer from migraines and have never been able to find relief.
How Do Clinical Trials Work?
Depending on the trial, the specific process for each clinical trial may vary. However, you can essentially divide the clinical trial process into these seven steps:
- Professional staff will provide you with more specific information about the trials as well as learn more about you.
- You will have to sign a consent form if you meet the requirements and agree to take part.
- To find out if you are eligible for the trial, you will need to go through a screening process.
- You will be accepted into the trial if the screening determines that you are eligible.
- After getting in, you should schedule your baseline visit (this is just your first visit).
- You will either be assigned to a treatment group or a control group.
- Finally, you should follow the procedures of the trial, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact the researchers.
Where Can I Find Clinical Trials?
It’s not hard to find a clinical trial. You can easily find clinical trials in many different ways. Using social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter can be useful since you might see ads for clinical trials there. However, you can also find clinical trials by:
- Speaking with your healthcare provider
- Searching online
- Joining a clinical trial registry
In brief, clinical trials are research projects that researchers conduct on humans to learn more about a surgical, behavioral, or medical intervention. Clinical trials cannot be performed by just anyone. Instead, a clinical trial must pass through four phases. Clinical trials can make a real difference in the advancement of medicine. As a result, these trials seek to:
- Detect disease in its early stages
- Avoid health issues
- Enhance the quality of life for those who have a fatal illness
- Improve the quality of life for those suffering from a chronic disease
- Understand caregivers or other support networks
There are several reasons why someone would decide to participate in a clinical trial. You can look for some open opportunities in a variety of ways. Searching online, though, is one of the best ways to start. You may be part of some real change!