Many people don’t realize that there are free government assistance options available during times of need. Aid can help for all kinds of situations from times of financial struggle, to hefty medical costs, and more. However, there are common misconceptions when it comes to government aid. A lot of people think that they automatically qualify for assistance, just because they are dealing with tough times. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Instead, assistance is provided to people who meet eligibility requirements for the support opportunity that they want to benefit from.
Tool to Find Assistance Opportunities
There are numerous options available for government assistance programs. The government wants to help people in all aspects of life from infant care, to health care, to nutrition, etc.! Not all programs are the same, but they are all funded by the government and are only meant for eligible recipients. Since there are countless options available, the government created was designed to be used as a tool to help you in finding eligible government assistance programs. In order to use, go to the website, and click on either of the two options:
Benefits Finder: This is a survey that is designed to assess the best help options available based on your current situation. You should answer all of the questions and the questionnaire will look through all available government aid options and will make it easier to see what you may be able to qualify for. While it can provide programs that you will likely be eligible to receive, it isn’t a guarantee. The only true way to determine your eligibility is by submitting an application for the program you are interested in.
Browse Benefits: Besides using the Benefits Finder tool to find programs, you can also browse benefits by category or agency. When searching by category you will come across these options:
- Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability
- American Indian and Alaska Native
- Disaster Relief
- Family and Children Services
- Education and Training
- Employment and Career Development
- Financial Assistance
- Food and Nutrition
- Grants
- Healthcare and Medical Assistance
- Housing and Public Utilities
- Immigration and Refugee Assistance
- Loans
- Military: Active Duty and Veterans
- Social Security and Retirement
- Volunteer Opportunities
However, when looking by agency you can search through different providers of programs like the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and more!
Federal Assistance Options to Consider
While there are tools that you can use to search through assistance programs, there are some federal programs that you can specifically keep in mind and inquire about when looking for benefits. Some popular aid options include:
- Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Medicaid
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Child Nutrition Programs
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Housing Choice Voucher Program
You may know this program as “Section 8 Housing”; regardless of how you know this program, it is important that you know how it helps a lot of Americans! This is an affordable housing assistance program provided by the government. Qualified recipients of this program receive housing vouchers that go towards housing costs like rent. It is important to note that not every property accepts these vouchers as a form of payment. Why is that important? Well, this limits which properties are available for people to move into. As a way to combat this obstacle, the government also provides tax incentives to landlords that accept these vouchers!
Besides the properties needing to accept vouchers as a form of payment, they must also pass inspections done by your local Public Housing Authority (PHA). Your local PHA is the place where you can submit your application and receive more information about this program and other available housing aid in your area. If approved after submitting an application, you’ll probably get placed on a waiting list. Waiting lists are long and it may be months or even years before you actually receive assistance.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Many Americans struggle to handle the costs of their utility bills. That is why the federal government created a program that addresses that issue. Benefits are provided to eligible recipients through home energy bill assistance, home weatherization, and minor energy related home repairs. One major advantage to receiving this assistance is the fact that individuals reduce their risk of unexpected accidents that occur from improper heating or cooling. You can find more information by calling the LIHEAP toll free number which is 1-866-674-6327.
Another huge expense that Americans face is the cost of healthcare. In fact, unpaid medical bills are the country’s biggest source of debt that has been sent to collections. Medicaid is a federal health insurance program that can help qualified low-income individuals and families get health coverage they need for a low cost or even for free. Even though it is a federal program, it is administered through the states that act accordingly with federal requirements.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Sometimes families can be stuck in a difficult situation. When a family cannot afford the costly insurance premiums of a private insurance plan but don’t qualify for Medicaid, then they may be able to benefit from CHIP. This is a program that gives affordable medical and dental care health coverage to children until they are 19 years old. This coverage includes medical tests, screenings, hospital care, preventative care, medical supplies, and more.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
The costs of housing, utility bills, and health insurance are all hefty expenses that Americans deal with. However, another expense that many deal with is the cost of food and groceries. That is why the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides SNAP to eligible recipients. Those that receive this program will get an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card that receives funds every month. The funds can be used towards qualifying food and groceries at stores that accept this form of government assistance as payment.
Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Some populations of people may need more specialized assistance. That is why there is WIC. This program was designed with women, pregnant women, infants, and children up to five years old in mind. Qualified recipients can get vouchers, food, referrals of assistance, and education! You can get more information and apply at your local WIC office.
Child Nutrition Programs
The government also focuses on providing children assistance through a variety of child nutrition programs. Some of these programs are:
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
Public schools and nonprofit private schools can benefit from this program! NSLP provides nutritious and affordable or no-cost lunches to qualified children during the school year. The lunches that students receive are nutritionally balanced and provided every school day to eligible children.
School Breakfast Program (SBP)
It is extremely important that children are able to have breakfast to start the day. SBP reimburses schools and residential childcare institutions that operate breakfast programs.
Special Milk Program (SMP)
Children that drink milk can benefit in a number of ways. That is why qualified schools, which includes schools that participate in either the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program can benefit from SMP. This is a program that reimburses the schools for the milk that they serve!
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Individuals that have a low income and are either a senior or have a disability may be able to benefit from SSI by receiving cash every month (potentially $943 a month for an individual or $1,415 for a couple as of 2023!). Recipients of this program can use the funds towards food, clothing, housing, etc.
In conclusion, there are so many different forms of assistance that can help from a local, state, and federal level. That is why you should review your options on sites like to easily review what opportunities are available. As a result, this site can help you find potential options that could be a good fit for your current situation. However, they also provide users the ability to check out different opportunities by agency or category.
It is important to keep different types of available assistance options in mind. Some popular support opportunities include:
- Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Medicaid
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Child Nutrition Programs
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Additionally, it is important to get the help you need when you are dealing with financial hardships. Take your time, and check out opportunities and resources that may be able to help your current situation!