(DailyProsper.com) – Quarantine means confinement and isolation. Over time, this can lead to depression, stress, and loneliness, not to mention a loss of physical endurance and overall health. Going to the gym or even heading out for a run might not be an option right now — but that doesn’t mean you can’t stay fit. Try these strategies for better health and better mood to get back on track.
Stretch It out With Yoga
Yoga is a great way to stay fit, but it also helps you practice balance and mindfulness at the same time. Plus, it’s extremely easy to implement into your daily routine. Use basic positions each morning to stretch and wake up tired muscles, increase blood flow, or just get back in tune with your center. Yoga gives you the energy you need to start the day and feel better about yourself!
Go Big and Deep Clean
One of the best ways to stay fit at home can also help you stay on top of chores at the same time. Take this time to deep clean places you’ve been too busy to address. Good Housekeeping recommends washing windows, wiping down cabinets and mopping floors to get your body moving. Any type of physical activity can help engage your cardiovascular system, which helps with heart health and also aid in weight loss.
Dance it Out
Gather everyone around and start a family dance off. Practice first and get everyone on board with their moves, or fire up a video game console like the Xbox 360 and rock out to Dance Dance Revolution. This is a fun way to engage muscle groups and get the entire family up and active. Who doesn’t love a little silly fun? Make it memorable and record it on TikTok or share with others on social media to spread the joy.
Even though you can’t get out and engage others, your yard still needs you — and gardening can be great exercise. Make friends with your flower beds. Pull weeds, edge gardens and thin overgrown perennials. Take the time to improve your yardscape, so when the quarantine is lifted, you’ll have time to sit back and enjoy it with friends and family. You can even enjoy a little yoga in the yard afterward.
Tune in to Workout Videos
No gym? You can still stay fit using free online workout videos. Sites like YouTube have an endless variety of options to choose from, making it easy to stay engaged and learn some fun new moves. Rock out to Bollywood tunes while you learn how to dance, enjoy a little bit of P90X, or try one of The Fitness Marshall’s fantastic videos:
Don’t let quarantine drag you down – stay fit and motivated while still being stuck at home. Any type of movement can help. Staying busy and creating a new routine could do wonders for your life, and those benefits last well past quarantine.
~Here’s to Your Success!
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